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I understand that my child wishes to participate in racing at BriSCA micro F2 circuits/stadiums. I confirm I am familiar with the nature of the competition and the risks inherent therein and that I have been given the opportunity before allowing my child to race, to inspect the course/circuit/track and its facilities. I hereby confirm I am satisfied and content that my child be allowed to participate as a competitor, and is competent so to do. I confirm that my child does not suffer from any physical or mental disability which would make it unsafe for him/her to participate as a competitor. I have read this contract fully, and have ensured that my child has completed the contract honestly and accurately.
I hereby accept that it is my responsibility to ensure that both my child and I have received a copy of the 2025 Rules and Regulations, and have read and understood them. I also accept that complimentary admission to race events is DRIVER ONLY and a £5 administration fee is payable at each race event. I declare to the best of my belief that my child possesses the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which his/her entry relates and that the machine (race car) entered is suitable and race worthy, is safe and complies with the rules and regulations as specified in the BriSCA micro F2 rules of racing. Drivers may race in more than one open-wheeled junior/infant formula, providing the formula is recognised by the Oval Racing Council, and promoted by a member of the Oval Racing Council on one of its circuits. Drivers must hold the appropriate licence for each junior/infant formula they wish to race. Drivers must use a different car for each junior/infant formula they wish to race. Drivers are not permitted to share their car with a driver who opts to race the car in an unauthorised formula or use their own car in such a formula – ie a formula or circuit that is not recognised by the Oval Racing Council.
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All race winners/results listed on this site are subject to final checking by the Official Grader
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